22 Grocery shopping
Man: Hey. Can you give me a hand with the groceries? And I told you I could do the shopping.
Woman: Wow! Do we really need (1)…………………….? Let me see that receipt.
Man: Hey, I only bought the essentials.
Woman: Okay. Let’s see. Dog food. (2)…………………………… cents? We don’t even have
a dog!
Man: Well, it WAS going to be a surprise, but look in the back of the truck.
Woman: What?
Man: Ah, ha, hah. (3)………………………….. I knew you’d love him.
Woman: That thing? That dog’s as big as a horse. He probably eats like one, too.
Man: Ah, but he’s sure friendly. And someone was (4)…………………………….. at the
supermarket, and I . . . I . . . I couldn’t let that poor thing pass another day without a loving home.
Woman: Whatever. Where was I? (5)…………………. cents for twenty-four cans of
tomato juice? You don’t even like that stuff!
Man: Ahhhh. Not yet. I’ve decided to change my eating habits.
Woman: Right.
Man: You’ll see, you’ll see.
Woman: Okay. Let’s see. Three eighty-four cents for a box of chocolate cookies and twelve fifty-six ($12.56) for a case of (6)…………………………….. [Yeah!] Changing your eating habits, huh? Do you really think that cookies are some type of diet food?
Man: Hey, I’ll just eat a cookie or two every other hour. In fact, they’re a great source of carbohydrates for energy. And, you see, the (7)…………………………….. and cookies kind of, you know, cancel each other out.
Woman: Oh brother. I can’t believe what I’m hearing. Let’s see. Where was I?
A carton of eggs, two fifty cents for a gallon of milk, (8)…………………… of tuna. Okay.
Man: Oh, we . . . w . . . well. The steaks are for Herbert.
Woman: Herbert. Who’s Herbert?
Man: Uh, he’s the dog. [No!] You see, the (9)………………………………… said that he’s kind
of . . . he’s somewhat picky about what he eats, [No!], and the steaks might help
him adjust [Absolutely not!] . . . . no, no, no, and the steaks might help him adjust to his new home. Hey, what are you doing? Oh, no. Why did you throw the steaks out on the (10)…………………………………..?
Woman: Well, now, you and Herbert can get to know each other better. I’m going out to eat by myself.
Man: Ughh.
(1) all this stuff (6) soft drinks
(2) 24.70 (7) tomato juice
(3) Speechless (8) three cans
(4) giving him away (9) previous owner
(5) 18.19 (10) ground outside
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